Huế Phạm
Huế Phạm

Huế Phạm

  • Tham gia 07/2022
  • Đọc sách có thể không giàu, nhưng không đọc, chắc chắn nghèo.
  • 66 Following
  • 62 Posts
  • Huế Phạm
    Huế Phạm @huepham
    I'm 24 years old, and I've been travelling alone since I was 16.

    I've been to Japan many times, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapour, Korea, India, Canada, Mexico, USA, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Netherlands, Spain, Germany, all of those country alone every time.

    Why ?
    Because I've also tried to travel with some friends / boyfriend, but I really realized that if you want to fully live your trip, you have to travel alone. It's only by travelling alone that you would have the right to live it the way you want. No one would tell you that you don't have the time to go visit that think because he / she wants to visit that other thing for example.

    Of course sometimes you would probably feel lonely, if you go for a whole month, it can be hard sometimes, wandering in the streets and realize that you're the only one alone. But it also makes you grow a lot and understand some things. Before travelling alone I found it really hard to go out to the cinema or to the restaurant alone. Now I just don't care anymore, I even enjoy that moments.

    Also there is no better way to meet some peoples that travelling alone. I've met one of my best friends during a hurricane in NY, we were all confined in the hostel lobby, and while we were all very bored, he came and talked to me. That's how it started, now we're still friends 3 years later and we keep seeing each other in every parts of the globe !
    Peoples are often more open to people alone, that's how I met amazing people all around the world and that's what's amazing about travelling alone.
    Bình luận bài viết #58784 của @phamminh