Tóc Đẹp

Top 14 Bí quyết để có mái tóc đẹp, dày và khỏe với nguyên liệu từ thiên nhiên

Grandparents have a saying “The tooth, the hair is the human corner” and from time immemorial, many people still believe that women must have long and thick hair to be beautiful, one of those people is a friend. . If you want to have thick hair with natural ingredients, follow the article below, chúng mình will list you natural methods to have thick hair as you want.

amla fruit

amla fruit
Also known as gooseberry, is a fruit native to India. This is the most popular fruit used to make your hair thicker. amla fruit Has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, keeping the scalp clean and healthy. In addition, this fruit also helps to restore, accelerate hair growth and make hair thicker.


  • Mix amla powder with coconut oil and bring to a boil. Strain this oil and apply it to your scalp before going to bed
  • The next morning when you wake up, wash your hair with a mild shampoo with cold water.

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In Vietnam, amla fruit is called gooseberry

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amla fruit


Eggs are rich in protein, an ingredient found in many of your hair shafts. Therefore eggs are necessary ingredients to make your hair thick and strong. In addition to protein, eggs also have many other nutrients, beneficial for hair such as vitamins E and B to help prevent hair loss, vitamin A to help reduce dandruff as well as fatty acids in the yolk that are good for oily skin, reducing dry scalp. , reduce dandruff and keep hair silky smooth.


  • Stir 2 eggs in a bowl and apply this mixture on your hair then leave for about 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.
  • Then wash your hair with a mildly scented shampoo to remove the egg smell from your hair.

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Eggs are rich in protein, so they are good for hair

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Stir 2 eggs in a bowl and apply this mixture to your hair then leave for about 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds Not only is it good for health or has the function of increasing your bust, but it is also an effective ingredient for thick and healthy hair. They help you get rid of dandruff, stop hair loss and make your hair grow stronger, thicker.


  • Soak fenugreek seeds overnight and blend into a smooth paste
  • Apply this mixture on your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes and then wash your hair with cold water.

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Fenugreek seeds help increase bust size and thicken hair

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Fenugreek seeds

Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera juice Has antiseptic properties, heals scalp wounds, prevents hair loss, makes hair thick and healthy. Apply regularly to test the amazing hair loss reduction and skin care benefits of this combination.


  • Wash a few aloe leaves and squeeze the juice
  • Apply the mixture just pressed on the scalp, leave it for 45 minutes and wash it off with warm water
  • In addition, you can also combine aloe vera juice with alcohol and eggs for faster effects.

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Aloe vera juice helps prevent hair loss, makes hair thick and healthy

Aloe vera juice


If you are one of those who love to eat avocado, then here is good news for you. When you eat avocado, this fruit will provide great benefits for your hair. Avocado It is rich in vitamin E which helps to make hair thicker and stronger. Avocados are rich in vitamins A, B6, C and E and minerals like copper, potassium and iron… all beneficial for your hair. It contains antioxidant properties, which protect hair from free radical damage. The fatty amino acids present in avocado keep the hair moist.


  • Mash an avocado with banana and some olive oil and apply this mixture on the scalp and leave it on for about 20 minutes
  • Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

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Avocados are rich in vitamin E which helps to make hair thicker and stronger

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Avocados are rich in vitamin E which helps to make hair thicker and stronger.

Orange juice

If you are wondering how to increase the thickness of your hair, then orange juice is the best natural solution for you. Oranges are rich in vitamin C that helps you get rid of dandruff, keep your scalp clean, and make your hair stronger and thicker. Using orange juice on your hair roots can help reduce hair fall and promote hair growth. If you are suffering from hair loss problems, orange juice is one of the best and effective home remedies.


  • Mix orange juice with a little apple powder and apply on the scalp
  • Leave for about 1 hour and wash your hair
  • You will feel a very quick change in your hair.

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Orange juice has many good benefits for hair

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Orange juice

Castor oil

Castor oil
is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, thus promoting hair growth and making your hair stronger. Applying castor oil to your hair is one of the easiest ways to increase hair thickness. The high viscosity of this oil will help prevent hair loss and make your hair thicker.


  • You can mix castor oil and coconut oil in equal proportions and apply it on your scalp in a circular motion
  • Then cover your head with a warm towel for about 1 hour
  • Wash it off with shampoo and you have completed the steps to have thick hair.

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Castor oil is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids that help hair grow thicker

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Castor oil

Olive oil

Olive oil
It is considered as one of the most effective hair growth products. Olive oil
is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help promote hair growth. If possible, replace your daily cooking oil with olive oil in your daily diet. Because this not only helps you have thick, healthy hair but your skin also improves.


  • You can also use olive oil to massage your scalp before taking a bath or before going to bed
  • Besides, olive oil Can also be combined with honey and this mixture can be used as a hair conditioner
  • Leave the mixture on your hair for about an hour and wash it off with warm water afterwards.

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Olive oil is considered one of the most effective products for thickening hair

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Olive oil effectively beautifies hair


Linseed High in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, it is an ideal choice to promote hair thickness. Using flaxseed will make your hair grow thicker and stronger. Flaxseeds also have B vitamins that strengthen hair follicles and promote faster hair growth.


  • Soak the flaxseeds in water overnight and the next day heat the flaxseeds over high heat
  • You will then get a very smooth gel-like mixture
  • When this mixture cools, apply this gel to your scalp and then wash your hair with cold water.

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Flaxseed is an ideal choice to promote hair thickness

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Flaxseed is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, making it an ideal choice to promote hair thickness.

Henna tree

Henna tree
Also known as henna, it is grown in arid regions such as Africa, South Asia and South Australia. Henna leaves are one of the popular thickening ingredients that most women in Africa use. Henna in leaf or powder form is used as a natural dye to color hair, as well as to make hair thicker and stronger.


  • Crush fresh henna leaves with water in a blender
  • Apply the mixture just created on the scalp and on the roots and let it dry until it dries, then wash your hair with cold water.

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Henna leaves (henna) after crushing

Henna tree

Grapefruit essential oil

Grapefruit essential oil has a great effect on hair, that is, taking care of your hair to achieve the desired effect. Besides grapefruit peel essential oil It also works very well in taking care of dyed hair, protecting hair fibers from ultraviolet rays, making hair color more durable and fresher.


  • You just need to add a few drops of grapefruit peel essential oil to shampoo or to rinse your hair, this will help your hair and scalp stay clean, dry, kill bacteria, and make your hair soft and smooth. .

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Grapefruit essential oil

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Grapefruit essential oil


Use lemongrass To wash hair is the way that women still do it from time immemorial. As science and technology develops, many manufacturers also use lemongrass as a raw material to create herbal shampoos that are very useful for hair. However, you can cook lemongrass juice to wash your hair at home effectively, safely and economically.

Essential oils from lemongrass Contains active ingredients geraniol and citral that work to protect hair follicles from harmful agents from chemicals or the environment and kill cancer cells. Thereby, effectively preventing hair loss. Especially for women who have thin, weak, dandruff-prone, and brittle hair, using lemongrass to wash their hair is extremely effective to overcome the above situation. lemongrass Bonus is used by women to cook shampoo in combination with herbs that are very good for hair such as locust, lemon peel, grapefruit, betel nut, and basil. If you want to treat hair loss and restore hair to become shiny, healthy, free of dandruff, itching, … then do not ignore the tips to wash your hair with lemongrass. This is the simplest way, anyone can do it, you just need to use lemongrass to smash, then put in a pot to boil, let it cool down, then proceed to wash your hair.

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Using lemongrass to wash your hair is a way that women have done since ancient times to this day


Twigs of basil still grows wild behind the house, normally we don’t pay much attention to it, yet so many uses. Perfume Used to treat colds, fever, headache or diarrhea. Especially mothers who have just given birth and have hair loss, just a handful of fragrant basil leaves, cooked in water, can remove the worry of thinning hair without much medicine! Treating hair loss with basil is very simple, not much different from the way you usually wash your hair with locust or grapefruit peel.


  • First, the required ingredients are a few handfuls of fresh basil leaves (you can use white basil or purple basil).
  • Wash the leaves, boil a large pot of water and drop the leaves in
  • Continue to cook for about 5 more minutes until the water turns yellow from cockroaches
  • Turn off the stove and pour water into a large basin, add cold water to the right temperature to wash your hair.

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Twigs of basil

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Twigs of basil


Locust It is considered by many women as a safe and effective herb for hair care and damaged hair restoration. Locust The main ingredient is saponin, this is a mixture containing a yellow foaming substance that has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and cleansing effects, especially against scalp fungus. In addition, the composition of flavonozites, including saponaretin, is one of the effective mixtures to reduce hair loss and prevent dandruff. Wash your hair with Locust Helps to make hair black and shiny while helping to effectively and safely restore hair to help hair grow longer.


  • You break the baked locust into a pot with a little water, boil for about 5-10 minutes to get all the water out.
  • When the water turns to dark brown and bubbly, it’s fine
  • Or you can put the locust in a plastic bag to crush the locust before cooking so that the ingredients in the locust dissolve faster.
  • To avoid wasting time, you can put the baked locust in a filter bag before cooking
  • That filter bag will help keep the residue of the locust fruit. Water after cooking can be mixed with water to wash.

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kiểu tóc, top 14 bí quyết để có mái tóc đẹp, dày và khỏe với nguyên liệu từ thiên nhiên

Washing your hair with locust helps to make hair black and shiny while helping to effectively and safely restore hair to help hair grow longer.

Đăng bởi: Thạch Nhân

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