• Would you recommend scuba diving to people who aren't great swimmers?

    Would you recommend scuba diving to people who aren’t great swimmers?

  • Cù Khắc Huy
    Cù Khắc Huy @cukhachuy

    Definitely! With one or two caveats. If you are comfortable in the water and enjoy activities like snorkeling, you could be an excellent diver. Using myself as an example, I’m a terrible swimmer who hates to swim. However, with the right equipment and proper training, I was able to get my Open Water certification back in the 70’s after snorkeling for the first time in the Caribbean and getting hooked on all the incredible marine life.. Within a few years I had worked my way up and completed several Advanced Instructor’s certifications, founded a Dive Rescue Team that specialized in Lake, Ice, and Swift Water rescue, and launched a Dive Travel business that has lasted over 30 years. I’ve traveled to and dived in over 20 countries, and have logged a few thousand dives.

    If you have an interest in the underwater world, give it a try. You can always stop any time if you don’t like it.

    I still hate to swim.

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  • Vân Trịnh Tuệ
    Vân Trịnh Tuệ @vantrinhtue

    Yes, We recommend it!

    We are both PADI Instructors with over 4000 each (not teaching anymore but dive often).

    You do not need to be a great swimmer but you must be comfortable in the water and be able to go back and forth in a swim test in some fashion. It doesn’t have to be pretty.

    If you are concerned, take a few lessons or just go to the pool and practice getting comfortable.

    One thing you must not do, is try to use diving to get over a fear of swimming or being in the water.

    Diving is the best thing in the world!

    Hope this helps,

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  • Tố Trân Trần
    Tố Trân Trần @totrantran

    Swimming and diving aren’t really related. In order to swim well your whole body needs to be coordinated and you need both a strong kick and a strong pull with your arms.

    In scuba you only need to be able to kick your legs the fins/flippers do all of the work. you shouldn’t be using your arms or hands much at all. The less you move your hands and arms the less silt blocks your view of what’s in front of you especially if you are close to the ocean floor. Scuba is recreation, swimming can be both recreation and a sport. Imagine strolling through a garden and stopping to see the wonder around you on a regular basis. That’s what scuba is when you do it for fun.

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