Milo powder or cocoa powder is a very “addictive” ingredient for both children and “younger brothers and sisters” because of this magically flavored powder. Milo has a fleshy taste, a pleasing aroma, used to make a quick energy drink or eaten raw and “laughing with powder” is still good. From ...

Milo beams have been around for a long time and this drink can be considered a memory associated with the childhood of many people. The attraction of milo beams over the years has not cooled down and has become one of the favorite and chosen drinks of young people. Milo ...

Bamboo charcoal bread Recently, there is a stir on food review sites with bamboo charcoal bread. This dish has a fancy appearance with a crust covered in jet black. It is known that the raw materials to make the bread crust are completely natural, which is bamboo charcoal and the ...

Mango is not only enjoyed as a common fruit but also used for many other attractive dishes that make young people fall in love. Let’s take a look at the dishes made from mango! 1. Mango sticky rice Mango sticky rice is a dessert originating from Thailand, with a sweet ...

Thanks to its versatility in many fields, especially in the culinary field, bamboo charcoal is an extremely popular ingredient. Bamboo charcoal essence, the material born from the sophistication of the Japanese Bamboo charcoal, also known as bamboo charcoal powder in Japanese, is called takesumi. Bamboo charcoal is produced from Mosochiku ...

Crab noodles The beginning of the list of 4 unique and fancy dishes from crabs must include crab noodles. This dish is loved by many people because of its eye-catching appearance and pervasive aroma. Crab noodles originated from Hong Kong, when imported to Vietnam, the basic form remains unchanged but ...

Saigon street food has many dishes that are uniquely modified to create strange flavors, eye-catching and special shapes, focusing on health care from snacks. Therefore, the dishes are drawn with the main colors from healthy plants and attract the attention of Saigon food lovers. One of the ingredients chosen often ...

Pizza is a fast food that originated in Italy and has become a familiar dish to the majority of Europeans. Traditional pizza is usually filled with cold meat, chicken and tubers such as bell peppers, onions, tomatoes and covered with a layer of cheese to increase the attractiveness of the ...

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