Milan is a bustling metropolis in the northern region of Lombardy and the second largest city in Italy right after Rome. A perfect combination of modern and ancient images creates the unique atmosphere of Milan, bringing a breath of personality to the colorful people who call Milan home. Visually, the ...

Recently, Quy Nhon tourism has become hotter than ever with the beauty of pristine beaches, majestic natural landscapes as well as delicious food. If you are planning a vacation in the coastal city of Quy Nhon, you must immediately see the places that 2DEP suggests for you so that you ...

If you have an Instagram account, you’ve almost certainly seen dreamlike photos of hot air balloons, cave hotels, or magnificent rock formations in Cappadocia, Turkey. If Istanbul is a city of history and modernity, a junction of the two continents of Asia and Europe, then Cappadocia is a place with ...

Hitachi Seaside Park is located in Hitachinaka city, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan. During World War II, this park was originally a place where American pilots practiced bombing. It was not until 1973 that this area was handed back to the Japanese Government and in 1991, the Hitachi Seaside park began to ...

Before traveling many people feel comfortable, but many of you feel stress and anxiety. This is a psychological problem. To have a happy trip, you need to be mentally prepared to face the strange things of the outside world or maintaining stable health also helps the trip to be more ...

Sunset is the most magical moment of the day, especially in Santorini. The landscape changes and everything is covered in a warm tone. The white houses seem to be adorned with all kinds of yellow, orange, red and purple colors. The islands are gradually covered by night and the sea ...

Venice is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. Every year millions of visitors flock to the city to admire its unique canals, incredible architecture and majestic history. It’s a strange experience – a city without cars and streets unlike any other in the world, but it’s certainly ...

Referring to Italy, everyone will probably think of large squares, paintings on the ceiling from the Renaissance, elaborately designed and built churches or ancient Roman arenas. time color. But Italy is not only that, this country also has an extremely majestic and magnificent natural scenery. One of the dreams of ...

When traveling, in addition to experiencing and fully enjoying the trip, most tourists consider saving money, even the convenience of transportation, accommodation, etc. common sense of tourists, a form of “moving” has been born and has become a hot trend in recent times, which is travel combo. What is a ...

Jeju is known as the “island of peace”, or the island of love, the filming location of many famous films that captivated international audiences. Not only the sea, but the mountain peaks on Jeju Island also make tourists captivated by its calm, wild but equally charming beauty. 1. Seongsan Ilchulbong ...

There are not many ideal tourist destinations when the Covid-19 epidemic is still affecting in Vietnam. However, there are still safe and quality addresses for those who like to travel or simply find a place to rest and relax on the weekend. Pu Luong (Thanh Hoa) Located in Pu Luong ...

Traveling during Covid is not risky if you choose the right destination and master the skills to ensure the safety of yourself and your family. Choose a safe destination Destination is something that cannot be chosen based on feelings but must be used rationally. It is important that you are ...

The Covid-19 epidemic caused many trips to be canceled during the summer. However, no need to go far, right in the center of Hanoi, there are also many unique homestays, suitable for you to “change the wind” on the weekend and have relaxing moments with friends and relatives. Krystal’s Mini ...

Six Senses Ninh Van Bay Nha Trang Six Senses Ninh Van Bay Nha Trang is nestled on Ninh Van Bay next to high mountains. 65km from Cam Ranh airport, it takes about 1 hour to drive from the airport to the pier and 20 minutes by train to arrive at ...

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