An Giang EN

‘Chill’ mountaineering wholeheartedly with the unique scenery of An Giang

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Co To Mountain is a landscape favored by nature with its pristine beauty, fresh climate brings a harmonious beauty between mountain clouds and Ta Pa fields and Soai So lake, creating a beautiful landscape picture of the Tri region. Ton, An Giang.

Where is Co To Mountain located?

Co To Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in An Giang. Few visitors know that this famous mountain has a different name more beautiful than Phung Hoang Son . Nui To is 614m high, 5800m long, 3700m wide and belongs to That Son mountain range (Bay Nui region) of Tri Ton district, An Giang province. This is also a famous western tourist destination located right next to the Cambodian border.

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Co To Mountain is an attractive tourist destination in An Giang.

Nui To is favored by nature for its majestic beauty and richness because it is both a large mountain and surrounded by Soai So Lake and the stretching green Ta Pa fields. The scene here really captivates many visitors who have ever visited.

From a distance, this most famous mountain in An Giang is quite prominent although there is no exact address on the map as other western tourist destinations. The first is because the large campus and the mountain’s height help tourists always locate a remote location. Secondly, due to the popularity of the mountain, it is rare for anyone to know about this place.

Instructions on how to move to Co To mountain

When traveling to An Giang , you ask for directions to Mount To will be very easy. And there are many ways to go. However, the fastest and most convenient route is to follow Provincial Highway 943. With this itinerary, visitors will enjoy more enjoyable experiences along the way.

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Beautiful road to mountain To. When you reach the foot of the mountain, you will easily see the Suoi Vang Soai So tourist area. After parking the car here for 5k / unit, you have officially started your journey to conquer Mount To with your strength. You will follow the available direction, which are the steps appearing before your eyes to reach the top of the mountain. If you choose An Giang tour, the trip will be more convenient, but experiencing this mountain adventure yourself will also give you many interesting feelings.
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The vast expanse of heaven and earth is a beautiful view for your photos. Besides walking, there are other ways to get to the top of the mountain, such as motorbike taxi or motorbike. If you choose to ride a motorbike taxi, you can rest assured that you will not be cut down because the self-governing motorbike team of the mountain has a clearly listed price list, each amount is calculated from low to higher points according to the height of the mountain Mountain.
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You can climb to the top of the mountain in many different ways. If you choose to travel by motorbike, it only takes about 1-2 hours to go around the worshiping sites and admire the scenery. Although you need to firmly drive and be a little careful, in return, by car, you will be delighted to explore the mountains and overcome the challenge along the steps, visit the temples, watch the scenery the trees and the old rows, walk while enjoying the natural air.
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The view of Soai So lake seen from To mountain.

Compared to the journey to Ba Den mountain, climbing Co To mountain is simpler because you do not have to go through many dangerous trails. However, if you do not choose to ride but walk, you will have to take a whole day to see the beauty of the mountain, because in the afternoon it takes almost two hours if you go fast, and it takes more than 3 hours to go slowly. sounds, along with time to rest and admire the scenery. So, depending on your choice of vehicle at the same departure time, you need to have good preparation in terms of fitness as well as specialized climbing shoes.

Legend of Co To An Giang Mountain

Coming to Co To, visitors will tell local people about the long-standing legends that have been kept for hundreds of years about this land. It is said that the That Son mountain area is the place where fairies descend to walk and have fun, especially on moonlit nights.

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Not only seeing the scenery but also listening to many interesting legends here.

One evening, the fairies held a game of stoning together and the next morning there appeared a small mountain with thousands of stones piled up with attractive shapes but also very in harmony with surroundings. Legend has it that that mountain is Co To today.

In addition, about the name of the mountain, there is also a theory that because the mountain is shaped like an upside-down bowl, the western people used to call it To mountain.

The attractions attract tourists of Co To mountain

Wild natural scene

Just like the tourist area of ​​Sap mountain, Cam mountain, Co To mountain is also favorably put on a wild and majestic beauty, captivating people’s hearts. Moreover, this mountain is also located between the immense fields, dotted with the green color of the field and the forest is the house built on the steep cliffs.

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Peaceful, solitary scene.

It also attracts tourists by its cool climate all year round. It can be said that anyone who sets foot in this place will be amazed at the vast and poetic scenery with mountains, rivers and lakes in harmony in front of you.

Another feature that makes Co To An Giang mountain more attractive is its location near the border, bordering Cambodia. If you stand from the top of the mountain on a clear day and pan your eyes far away, you will see the scenery of your country from the other side. Because of its convenient location, from here, visitors can ride motorbikes to Tinh Bien market near the border of the two countries to shop at extremely low prices and diversified goods.

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Conquering Co To, reaching the top of the mountain, you will feel the peace and freshness here.

Right at the foot of the mountain, there are rice fields with rows of trees, houses … of the Khmer and Vietnamese living in harmony with each other. Traveling to An Giang and visiting Phung Hoang Son , do not forget to learn and experience two cultural features that create many interesting things in life and unique natural scenery here.

Ideal overnight camping location

According to the An Giang tourist experience of many tourists, Co To Mountain is a great choice if you are looking for a place to camp overnight in the mountain. From the top of the mountain, you can get up early to watch the sunrise and cover the surrounding landscape. When the afternoon falls until the evening, you will still observe all the little Tri Ton below, with flickering lights, light mist in the hair is a misty mist.

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Let your soul follow the clouds and wind in Co To.

Not only that, when visiting To Mountain, visitors also enjoy peace and serenity of mind. Fresh air, cool weather, tranquil scenery are what this mountain offers to tourists who love moving An Giang. At this point, you will surely be able to leave the daily noise, no heat or loud sirens and urban dust.

Beautiful sunrise and sunset viewing place

Not only beautiful beaches are beautiful places to watch sunrise or sunset, but waiting for these two moments from the high mountains is also very special. And To Mountain is a great suggestion for you if you want to fully enjoy the beginning or ending moments of a day.

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The panorama of Ta Pa field seen from Co To Mountain. Indeed, when watching the sun from the top of the mountain, you will feel excited and excited to see the magical beauty of nature. Especially the very magical view here makes the moment of waiting for the pink rose from the face to gradually emerge at the dawn and witnessing the end of the day’s rays disappear will be an unforgettable experience for visitors. Because when we sit in a place of impressive height, that time will be longer than usual.
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To An Giang Mountain is known as the place to welcome the most beautiful sunrise and sunset in Tri Ton.

Not only is the place to watch the sunrise or sunset very well, from the top of To mountain, you can also have a panoramic view of Tri Ton An Giang district, admire the beauty of a land bordering stretches with many mountains and hills, rice fields as well as the fields of the Khmer people living here.

Beautiful check-in spots on Co To mountain

Letter symbol ‘TRI TON’

Many young people who love An Giang tourist sites quickly fall in love with the “Tien yard” area near Nam Can Palace because of the beautiful “TRI TON” symbol. Since its inception, this place has become a feverish check-in point during the past time.

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The beautiful word symbol TRI TON is a favorite photo place of many young people.

Each letter of this emblem is 7m high and sits on a pedestal between 1.5 and 2 meters high. To make this area more sparkling and keep visitors safe, they also installed solar lighting system and surrounding fence.

When you reach the foot of Co To mountain , visitors can see and take clear pictures of the word “TRI TON”. This place is considered as the first greeting from the district for visitors from far away. As for young people, this destination is “the door to paradise” of An Giang.

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The feverish check-in point seen from above. If you stand from the position of the word “TRI TON” on the mountain, you will see the whole charming scenery below with golden rice fields and houses lying in the middle of the charming river landscape. From that height to watch the scenery, many people feel like they are embracing the whole small world below into their hearts.
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The door to paradise is also a famous virtual living place in To Mountain.

Tien yard

Tien yard is not only an area with a triangular symbol welcoming visitors, but according to legend, it also preserves giant footprints imprinted on rock. Legend has it that To Mountain has a footprint of the right foot, while the Forbidden Mountain keeps the footprint of the left foot. You need to go through the altar on the courtyard and then out to the outermost rock edge to see this footprint. There are also small steps going down that have been carved long ago.

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Cloud hunting on To Mountain is an unforgettable An Giang travel experience.

Fairy Feet

In the middle of the road, if you need to stop to rest, you should stop at the Ban Chan Tien yard which is both large and possesses sweeping views around. Due to its location, this is also the place to help mark that you don’t get lost in the mountains. Visitors can also choose this as a place to rest, stop if you feel tired while climbing. Right next to this area, there are also a few households, so if you feel surprised or afraid of getting lost, you should ask for directions. Because if you have come here, it is only a very short distance and you have reached the main area, which is Du Hoi of To Mountain .

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Enjoy styling with hundreds of beautiful photos at To Mountain.

Ba Co Temple

Not only is the land with many beautiful landscapes, but An Giang is also the convergence of many sacred temples and shrines in the West such as the Temple of Ba Chua Xu , Sam mountain , Van Linh pagoda or Ba Co temple of To mountain. Her temple is the ideal place for pilgrimage, worship and sightseeing, attracting a lot of visitors every year. In addition, many temples here are also famous for being sacred. On the way up the mountain, especially along the mountainside, you will find many pagodas and temples hidden inside, along the forest.

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Soai So Lake is located opposite Tu Dup hill, on the east side of the mountain.

If your climbing journey starts late and it gets dark and still can’t reach the top of the mountain, you can apply for staying at these temples or shrines. This place will give you a frugal vegetarian meal and a drink with a temporary sleep. A night of eating and sleeping at the temple is also an unforgettable experience for you. This is also an opportunity to learn more about Buddhist culture and the hospitality of An Giang people.

Big Club and Small Club Pounce

From the Ba Co Mieu, visitors will continue to move to Vo Hoi, also known as Do Hoi.

Do Hoi Lon and Du Hoi Nho are two very large rocks of Co To mountain . If standing from the foot of the mountain, on the side of Soai So An Giang Lake you will see it.

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Do Hoi has an extremely wide and airy view with a beautiful view from the Ta Pa field.

Vo Hoi is the place to worship Buddha and the dead spirits. Therefore, people write short calligraphy on pyramid-shaped stone pedestals to commemorate the deceased.

Vo Hoi is also a place with wide and open view. When standing here, visitors will admire the entire Ta Pa field – the famous rice growing area of ​​An Giang in particular and Vietnam in general. From here, you can also see Cam mountain opposite Ta Pa mountain.

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Welcoming the sun at Du Hoi will give visitors a great experience.

Big Vo Hoi and Little Vo Hoi are the two most beautiful sunrise and sunset viewing places in Tri Ton tourist destinations . Only about 50 meters apart, the big Vo Hoi is a place of pilgrimage and worship, so there is less photo-taking than the small Vo Hoi. This place is quite deserted with few customers, so you are spoiled for taking pictures, living virtual here.

Note when climbing Co To An Giang mountain

Visiting the mountain, visitors should keep the following in mind for a safe and complete trip:

– If you choose to travel by motorbike to go to Co To mountain , you must also choose a driver with solid steering wheel because the road leading to the mountain is wide, narrow and also quite zigzag and rough.

– If you intend to sleep on the Du Hoi yard in To Mountain or camp overnight, you should start in the afternoon and remember to prepare your personal belongings, especially mosquito and insect repellent. The overnight cost here including blankets, mosquito nets, pillows and mats is only 10k / night / person.

– If you depart for the mountain climbing at 4:00 – 5:00 pm, but the sun has not yet reached the Vo Hoi area, you must ask the surrounding people about the way to avoid the situation when you get lost in the middle of the mountain.

– When camping, you can bring food, join the campfire as well as organize a party. However, it should be noted that only fire on open land, pay attention to safety, prevent forest fires.

– After traveling to Mount To and enjoying the wonderful natural scenery here, do not forget to collect your personal belongings and collect trash, return the original landscape of this place as you just arrived.

Đăng bởi: Lâm Nguyễn

YOLO! Khám phá các huyện ở An Giang

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