An Giang

Phi Lai An Giang’s family – a poetic and mysterious place of practice

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Phi Lai An Giang’s family is known as one of the pilgrimage and tourist attractions of the Bay Nui area, so it attracts many visitors to visit the pagoda and take photos to check in.

To Dinh is a place that has both religious significance and is located in a poetic and quiet scene. Join us to join an excursion to An Giang, visit the Patriarch – where Buddhism converges and spread.

Where is Phi Lai’s family located?

Phi Lai family is located at the foot of a small mountain called Ky Huong. In the past, this place belonged to Tu Te village – Doi Ba Khet (this is a place of the Khmer people, now it is Nui Voi commune, Tinh Bien district, An Giang.

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The family is located at the foot of a small mountain called Ky Huong. Photo: Do ​​Ngoc Thu According to many local elderly people, this beautiful and poetic Toes House has been completely burned before. Until 1947, it was rebuilt on the foundation of the old main hall with new works, over the years renovated and embellished to create the current family, including: Tam Quan Gate, Chanh Palace, Tay Lang, East Lang, Hau To, Temple memorial area, and especially the completed Chanh Dien area with the scale of 1 ground floor, 1 floor and 7 Ancient roofs.
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The family is located on thousands of square meters of land. Photo: Paris Le Currently, the auxiliary works to complete the Phi Lai family still continue to enter the completion stage to create an imposing and majestic Buddhist complex in Tinh Bien district. If you have the opportunity to travel to An Giang , do not forget to visit this fascinating pilgrimage and excursion place.
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The place has both religious significance and beautiful scenery. Photo: Lang Thang An Giang

The formation of the An Giang Phi Lai Family

Legend has it that in the Nguyen Lords’ time, on the way of migrating and promoting the Dharma, the Zen monks introduced Buddhism to the Dang Trong area in general and the West in particular, including An Giang. It is also from that that formed a specific Buddhist culture here.

Hundreds of years have passed, Buddhism has gradually formed and developed with many temples attached to the spiritual life of the Vietnamese here, particularly the Bay Nui area such as Van Linh Pagoda, Phat Lon Pagoda, Pagoda Nho Buddha, Hang pagoda, Phi Lai pagoda, … In which, the pagoda – Phi Lai family is a religious work with a special role in the movement to revive Buddhism in An Giang.

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The way to To Dinh. Photo: Ngo An Phi Lai pagoda was originally built in the Bac Tong style with a simple thatched roof and named Phi Lai Co Tu by Tu Te villagers founded in 1786 on a pristine ground near the Cambodian border. Nam Tong temples of Khmer Buddhism. This is also the place where residents of the two ethnic groups Kinh and Cham live together in harmony.
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An Giang Cam Mountain tourist area. Photo: thamhiemmekong By 1900, which meant that around the beginning of the 20th century, Patriarch Chi Thien came here and started to establish the Zen Buddhism propaganda. Initially, he went to the Forbidden Mountains and was told by the Buddha Master Xian that he had a dream to tell his disciples that there would be a High Sangha coming to this place.
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The entrance to To Dinh Phi Lai. Photo: Paris Le Through a long and hard journey, the Founder arrived at Cam Mountain – right at the present location of Van Linh Pagoda and practiced for 3 months. Later, the new people and dignitaries invited him to Phi Lai pagoda, at that time this place was still very unspoiled, and to spread Buddhism. Over time, the virtue and morality of the Patriarch resonated as far as possible, so many Buddhists and people came to ask to study. Since then , Phi Lai An Giang’s family has been formed and expanded.
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The temple has a special role in the movement to revive Buddhism in Vietnam. Photo: Paris Le According to the elderly people, at that time, Phi Lai pagoda was located on a land area of ​​nearly 2 acres with massive architecture, stretching over thousands of square meters of land. The complex of works includes 20 main and sub-categories.
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More than 20 main and auxiliary works of Phi Lai family. Photo: Do ​​Ngoc Thu On the occasion of the 85th Cavalry Ceremony of Patriarch Chi Thien Ban on February 15, 2018, Phi Lai An Giang’s family  was officially restored and started the groundbreaking ceremony. After one year of construction, the main items of the main hall were inaugurated in phase 1 with a monumental scale.
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Pilgrimage point and check-in attraction. Photo: Lang Thang An Giang

The main hall was built in the style of Vietnamese pagoda architecture, harmonious combination between traditional cultural beauty and modernity. The construction items in the first phase include:

The main hall: with 1 ground floor, 1 floor and 7 ancient roofs. The work is 58.8m in length, 33.4m in width, 36.5m in height, and the total ground floor area is 1.963m2. The total area of ​​2-frequency use is 3,927m2, of which, the ground floor is the street and rooms of monks. The upper floor is the Temple of worship consisting of 3 pre-electric spaces of Ton Tri Bodhisattva Di Lac – Tu Dai Thien Vuong – Kim Cang Ho Phap.

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Large campus. Photo: Do ​​Ngoc Thu The main area is dedicated to Buddha Shakyamuni Buddha – Bodhisattva Van Thu – Bodhisattva Pho Hien and the Arhat. The Palace is a place to worship To Chi Thien and his ancestors through the ages. In terms of structure, the Tien Dien has 2 ancient roofs, the main hall has 5 ancient roofs combined with a gold-plated bronze top of the tower with a weight of 3 tons and 8m high, the back is the worship area with 3 roofs. built according to pure Vietnamese architecture.
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The main hall is built according to the Vietnamese pagoda architecture combining traditional and modern features. Photo: Paris Le

The memorial area in Phi Lai An Giang’s family has a role as a place to keep the Buddha and Bodhisattva statues from the To Chi Zen period, the new family has been formed until now. This architecture has an area of ​​175.5m2, including a ground floor and a tile roof of 15.4m long, 11.4m wide, and 11.5m high.

Attractive pilgrimage and check-in spots in Tinh Bien – An Giang

An Giang has no shortage of famous tourist sites or beautiful temples in the middle of a poetic landscape like a charming place like Lau pagoda, Hang Chau Doc pagoda, Tay An pagoda, Ta Pa pagoda . But Phi Lai’s family in Tinh Bien Elephant Mountain brings its own charm because of its own quietness and mystery. This place also has fresh air, architectural complex located in the middle of a lonely landscape on a large area. The family has become a tourist attraction by the ancient and majestic of an ancient temple on the mountain.

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Beautiful pilgrimage site in An Giang. Photo: Do ​​Ngoc Thu

This place is also surrounded by cool green trees, so the atmosphere is quite fresh and airy. If you are looking for a place to visit, make a pilgrimage and enjoy the tranquility, come here. You will feel peaceful and relaxed.

There is a unique architecture, prominent with a large, airy campus … The family located in Tinh Bien district has become a place of pilgrimage and worship, an attractive tourist destination. If you are going on a trip and visiting the pagoda in Tinh Bien, do not miss Phi Lai An Giang Family in your list of destinations.

Đăng bởi: Thảo Vũ

YOLO! Khám phá các huyện ở An Giang

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