EN Vietnam

22 places to eat delicious food in Hanoi is the most popular

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Let’s explore 22 delicious restaurants in Hanoi that are most loved by many people to schedule to enjoy the weekend right now.

Referring to ancient Hanoi, people will immediately think of the cuisine here has its own unique features that cannot be found anywhere else. Delicious restaurants in Hanoi do not need to be luxurious, do not need strong PR, do not need wet towels but are still famous for their delicious taste, making diners remember to eat once and want to come back.

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Some famous dishes in Hanoi (Photo: Collectibles)

And the special thing is that people still tell each other that if you want to find delicious dishes in Hanoi , you must go to alleys, nooks or sidewalks or street vendors to enjoy. These eateries are even more popular than luxury restaurants. But not for that reason that the dish is allowed to be superficial, but must be delicious, tasty and clean. Perhaps this is the very unique “sidewalk cuisine” of Hanoi. There are addresses that exist for a very long time, even though they are far away or in the alley, they still attract customers to wait in line to enjoy.

The best places for delicious restaurants in Hanoi are the most popular

1. Pho Bat Dan – 49 Bat Dan

When coming to Hanoi, everyone wants to enjoy pho, a morning gift that fully converges the quintessence of North Vietnamese cuisine. One of the delicious noodle shops in Hanoi must mention Gia Truyen – Pho Bat Dan, which has been around for decades, but Pho Bat Dan has not had a day off.

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Delicious bowl of pho (Photo: Collectibles)

Here at rush hour, there is no waitress to carry to take place. Those who are in turn can order, pay and claim to themselves “reward” is a traditional beef noodle bowl with a clear, fragrant broth, a piece of freshly pink and soft beef. A special point is that Bat Dan pho does not use spices or noodles, but only cook with bone and fish sauce. Over time, the restaurant is still filled with customers and every day, groups of people still wait in line to enjoy the taste of pho.

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Waiting in line to buy pho (Photo: Collectibles)

The space is narrow, everything is old and old, everything seems unchanged. Perhaps, Hanoi people come here many times to find a little taste of old Hanoi still lingers in the small corner of the restaurant.

2. Pho Thin, Lo Duc street

Opened in 1979, up to now, with Pho Bat Dan, Pho Thin restaurant on Lo Duc street has contributed to the brand of pho in Vietnam which has a taste of the homeland that is loved by the people and international visitors , praise. Pho Thin is famous for its only dish – re-rolling beef noodle soup. 

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Thin noodle soup (Photo: Collectibles)

Unlike the clear but still rich broth from other traditional noodle shops, Pho Thin’s broth is really fat because the combination of stir-fried beef is sweet and fragrant with ginger and garlic. This way makes Pho easily bored, but with its own secret, Pho Thin has been addictive for many years.

3. Bun snail Ms. Hue – 43 Nguyen Sieu

Over the past 30 years, from bun rong to a small corner of Nguyen Sieu, Ms. Hue is still dedicated to preserving a culinary quintessence in the bustling life in the thriving city.

Bun in Co Hue’s house has 2 main dishes: hot noodle vermicelli and cold noodle. Bowl of many vermicelli, large and small snails, customers can request all kinds of snails according to their needs. The bowl of hot vermicelli is true of tradition, just rustic, only snail meat, tomatoes and herbs. The tomato broth is the mild sour taste of the tomato mixed with the snail juice. As for the cold vermicelli, the sauce is kept separately in the eel skin jars, cooked from snail broth, simmered with vinegar and peppers. When she comes to eat, ask for tomatoes or need more vegetables, she gives more comfort. A bowl of Noodle Soup costs 30,000 VND, eating in the morning and being full until afternoon.

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Hot snail noodle and Co Hue cold vermicelli (Photo: Collectibles)

4. Binh Tay – 54 Hang Chieu

The instant noodles bowl consists of noodles, frank (also known as dumpling). The noodles are made from flour, eggs and then rolled so that the fibers are both chewy, crunchy and fragrant, and retain the eye-catching golden color. Blanched is filled with crushed fresh shrimp, shiitake mushrooms and meat, wrapped in a thin layer of flour. In addition, there are also char siu meat, shiitake mushrooms, a piece of boiled eggs, a ball, vegetables, chives and peeled fresh shrimp.

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Noodles with frankincense (Photo: Collectibles)

The broth is simmered from chicken bones, pork bones, dried sturgeon, some herbs and shrimp shells. The broth here is delicious, sweet and rich, and the broth is not seasoned with MSG so as not to drown the aroma in the broth.

5. Hang Fan noodle soup

Bun cha is a simple and familiar dish of all families in the North because it is easy to make, just vermicelli, grilled meat and dipping sauce will have a delicious noodle dish. But to marinate, grill a delicious meat and mix with a savory, sweet and savory dipping sauce for the North is an art.

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Famous bun cha (Photo: Collectibles)

Noodles shop at Lane 74 Hang Fan was born a long time ago and always crowded. The bun cha here is famous for its well-grilled meat, the grilled pork ball. The grilled pork is small, grilled outside, so it has a strong aroma, it is soft inside, with a carefully marinated flavor. A set of vermicelli here costs 30,000 – 35,000, is given a lot of cha and meat, sometimes you can not eat it all anymore.

6. Bun thang Ba Duc – 48 Cau Go

No one in Hanoi is ignorant of bun thang – the familiar noodle bowl of the capital. Ba Duc vermicelli shop is located on the 2nd floor of the house, decorated, simple, with air conditioning so diners can comfortably enjoy a delicious bowl of vermicelli. Bun thang is full of ingredients: sausages, chopped eggs, shredded chicken, radish, laksa leaves, mushrooms, and shrimp paste if required.

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Bun thang Ba Duc (Photo: Collectibles)

All ingredients are chopped, meticulously meticulously, beautifully presented with delicious and sweet broth without getting bored. When people eat noodles, they often call for more to eat more. The price of a bowl of vermicelli ranges from 30,000 to 55,000 VND depending on requirements.

7. Bun ngan and grilled ngan rolls on the sidewalk of Hang Bong street (near Phu Doan crossroads)

Speaking of vermicelli, you should go to Hien restaurant, right on the sidewalk, at 75 Hang Bong, near Phu Doan crossroads to enjoy a delicious bowl of vermicelli. The broth is carefully simmered so it is quite sweet. Strong grilled Ngan is used with garlic chili fish sauce, a special sauce made by the owner, so it is not like any other restaurant. The shop’s sweet and fragrant bamboo shoot soup is a famous specialty of the restaurant. When served with spring rolls with vermicelli, you should order a bowl of bamboo shoot soup if you do not feel full.

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Vermicelli and delicious grilled goose meat (Photo: Collectibles)

8. Pho Bung – Number 1 Hang Trong

As the name of the restaurant, the shop does not shop, only plastic chairs, guests come here to eat a bowl with one hand, and enjoy a bowl of delicious pho in one hand. Pho here is famous for its delicious taste, richness, sweet and fragrant broth, sticky noodle cake and especially crunchy, dipping with sauce is delicious. 

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A simple bowl of pho pho but still delicious (Photo: Collectibles)

The bowl of pho is full of meat, the meat is sliced ​​thin. Perhaps because of that special taste, diners do not mind suffering, come sit on the sidewalk to eat. The shop is always crowded from opening to closing time, at peak hours, customers also have to queue. The price of a bowl of pho is 25,000 VND, affordable, suitable for a bowl of delicious pho.

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The shop on the sidewalk is still very crowded (Photo: Collectibles)

9. Crispy pho – No. 206 Kham Thien

If you have become accustomed to traditional pho, change your taste with the crispy pho in Kham Thien. The menu of the restaurant is quite diverse with dishes such as stir-fried pho, fried noodles, fried rice with beef, porridge … but crispy pho is the dish that attracts customers to make the restaurant’s brand. 

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Crispy pho plate with a bowl of bold sauce (Photo: Collectibles)

Pho is compressed together, pressed down, then fried 2 sides golden, cut into small pieces for convenience, when eating a piece of pho that is both crispy and spongy with a rich heart sauce There is also a small bowl of melon to help increase the flavor and reduce boredom when eating. A set of crispy pho here costs 50,000, if you are not full enough, order more pho to eat.

10. Hot casting cake on Le Ngoc Han street

Cakes are a Vietnamese folk dish that can be eaten hot or cold. If eating cold food has a soft, fragrant, and nutty taste, the hot cast cake is soft, chewy, greasy and warm. The shop is in a small alley on Le Ngoc Han street, famous for over 30 years, always crowded from morning to night. With 15,000, there is a bowl of hot molded cake, mixed with minced meat, mushrooms, scallions, fried beans, herbs, fat-rich water and a hint of pepper flavor.

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Delicious cast and delicious bowl (Photo: Collectibles)

11. Tran Xuan Soan boy porridge

Clam porridge is quite familiar, you can find it anywhere in Hanoi, but not everywhere, you can find delicious porridge and fat boys like here. This is a famous boy porridge shop with the age of more than 30 years with a large number of customers every day. 

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Clam porridge bowl with a lot of mussels (Photo: Collectibles)

Porridge seeds are simmered, thick, thick, seasoned with spices to taste, scented onions, served with crispy crust. Fast and professional service shop. Perhaps due to the quality of the porridge and the service style, the restaurant always attracts customers. A bowl of porridge with 30,000 girls. Although the price is more expensive than other restaurants, it is still enthusiastically selected and supported by customers.

12. Mrs. Hoanh To Hien Thanh Roll Cake

Speaking of rolls, you must definitely try Ba Hoanh rolls. The rolled cake is thinned, the white cake is fragrant with scent of onion. The sauce is rich and tasty. Rolled cake with cinnamon rolls, shrimp paste, grilled meat, grilled meat is very fragrant. The famous shop is always crowded and has to wait for a delicious rice roll. With 30,000 VND, you have a full plate of cake.

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Attractive rolls (Photo: Collectibles)

13. Wine sauce bread 252 Hang Bong – a delicious place to eat in Hanoi

Bread is a delicious Hanoi food, recognized by international friends as a great street food. When it comes to bread, you must go to the wine sauce bread shop in Hang Bong – this is one of the remaining delicious restaurants until now. 

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Enjoy delicious wine sauce sandwiches (Photo: Collectibles)

The wine sauce is cooked to the mouth, the beef used to make the wine sauce is the rib rag and adds a little beef ribs, tender beef and the sauce has a lot of meat. The smooth, creamy sauce served with crispy hot, golden bread is wonderful.

14. Grilled heart on Gam Cau street

The grilled dish here is famous for its attractive dish, when eaten in one piece, remember the taste. There are many different grilled dishes here: heart, stomach, beef, roast … The grilled dish here is probably attractive because the ingredients are marinated just enough, adding a layer of honey to make the grill delicious. Grilled heart with a bowl of soy sauce, chili sauce, eaten in a crispy crunchy, lumpy, spicy flavor is delicious.

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Grilled platter is eye-catching (Photo: Collectibles)

15. Mixed chicken noodle soup number 47 Ma May

The restaurant is addictive for many diners because of soft and chewy pho cakes, sweet chewy chicken. Especially thanks to the flavor of the sauce that is flattering with the sweet and sour taste, the water is hot brown, a little bit thick, rich in soy sauce with a little minced chili to blend the flavor of chicken pho. 

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Chicken noodle soup with bold flavor (Photo: Collectibles)

Mixed noodle bowl with shredded chicken on top, dried onions, peanuts and soybeans, then poured broth on top and mix well and eat. The shop also has a special delicious chicken soup. Phap mixed with girls 30,000 VND one, the price is suitable to enjoy.

16. Dried beef salad on Hoan Kiem street

The salad plate here is quite plump, mixed salad with dried beef pieces, minced meat, beef tendon, liver, lungs, scraped papaya and herbs. The salad is crispy fresh, the sweet and sour salad is mildly sweet, with a few herbs added and a bit of roasted peanuts and crushing it to make a delicious and attractive salad plate. The restaurant is small, so at peak times, customers sit on the sidewalk. In addition, the restaurant also has filter cake, spring rolls …

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Delicious crispy mannequin plate (Photo: Collectibles)

17. Grilled sour spring rolls number 10 Au Trieu

At every end-of-day session, diners go to Au Trieu small street to enjoy delicious hot and delicious grilled spring rolls. The restaurant is open from 14am to 0pm, although it is called a restaurant, the tables here are trays placed on chairs. Grilled pork rolls here are special because grilled spring rolls still retain the bright pink color of the meat with a sticky glue covering the outside. 

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Delicious grilled spring rolls (Photo: Collectibles)

When holding grilled pork rolls, eat 1 piece, the aroma of meat mixed with the sauce will give us the feeling of wanting to eat forever. When eating spring rolls, they usually eat with a plate of beans or a plate of green mango to help relieve boredom. There are also other grilled dishes such as yellow thread fish, beef fish or grilled squid …

18. Sticky with Hang Bai

Ms. May’s Xoi on Hang Bai street has become familiar to the people of Ha Thanh for more than 20 years. Her sticky sticky rice has a familiar, unmistakable taste. The crispy green onions, crispy onions, and green beans are all homemade, and the rice used to cook sticky rice is also carefully selected. She prepared the banana leaves arranged neatly to pack sticky rice, in the morning of crowded, she wrapped it quickly, without any movement. Her Xoi is a familiar morning gift of many customers for many years.

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Gluttony eat full stomach (Photo: Collectibles)

19. Mango tea Nguyen Truong To

Mango tea is a dish that can be familiar and may be strange to many people. If anyone has eaten and liked the sweet taste of strange tea, they will find the most popular tea shop in Hanoi on Nguyen Truong To street. Mango is cut into pieces, frozen with jelly and then put in a small bowl. Next, add a layer of cream to mix the milk on the surface. When eating, diners will see the fatty taste of milk, and the taste of mango. A person can eat 2 or 3 bowls without getting bored. A bowl of mango tea costs 8000 VND, which is quite cheap for a good bowl of tea. The shop also has a variety of menus: caramel, yogurt, …

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Cool fragrant tea bowl (Photo: Collectibles)

20. Hang Buom chicken noodle soup

On the cramped Hang Buom street, there are rows of chicken vermicelli filled with customers. The chicken here is delicious, sweet, and the broth is processed with the rich aroma of herbs that attracts visitors to eat. Every day, diners still flock to enjoy the delicious chicken vermicelli in the cramped old town.

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Hang Buom chicken vermicelli (Photo: Collectibles)

21. Snail noodle soup at Dong Xuan market – a delicious address in Hanoi

Coming to Dong Xuan market, you will be lost in the diverse and typical culinary world of the old town. But the noodle shop here is always the most crowded, perhaps so it is a favorite dish associated with the eating habits of the people of Hanoi. The bowl of vermicelli is filled with fat and fat snails, eating the sweetness of the snail, crunchy, not chewy. The best vermicelli here is the sour and sour broth, the gentle flavor of the sticky rice used to make it suddenly, and the sweet taste on the tip of the tongue, adding a little spicy taste of chili is perfect.

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The bowl of vermicelli attracts diners (Photo: Collectibles)

Noodle bowl does not add beans like other restaurants, so you can enjoy the true bowl of vermicelli. The restaurant is small, with few seats but always crowded, at peak hours there are no seats. The restaurant served very quickly and warmly. The price of a bowl of noodles is from 20,000 to 25,000 depending on the type of vermicelli.

22. Fried cake at 135 Phuong Mai lane

One of the snacks that many people love is donuts. The cake here, if you look at it, it will look like savory donuts in another bag, but the difference is in the cake. The crust outside the glutinous flour, the non-glutinous dough mix enough with a little salt, add the mashed potatoes, the cake when eaten crunchy without too dry. Sometimes the owner even uses purple potatoes to make the cake have an unusual color and taste better.

Cake filling includes: lean shoulder meat, vermicelli, minced wood ear mixed with spices and pepper. Dipping sauce with green papaya, raw vegetables to fight boredom. The restaurant is open from 16:00 to 19:00, always crowded with customers. The price of each cake is very cheap, with only 3,000 VND, you have an attractive cake. There is also black bean tea to sip while waiting for the owner to fry the cake.

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Famous donuts (Photo: Collectibles)


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