Famous architecture in Hue ancient capital

hue tourism, the ancient capital of hue, famous architecture in hue ancient capital

Each architectural work in Hue is a complete work of art, expressing its own elements of philosophy, spirituality, and aesthetic values.

hue tourism, the ancient capital of hue, famous architecture in hue ancient capital

Architecture in Hue is rich, reflected in the massive works under the Nguyen Dynasty, besides the folk architecture, religious architecture and temples… Which, Hue Citadel is one of them. relics belonging to the Complex of Monuments of Hue Ancient Capital recognized by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage.

hue tourism, the ancient capital of hue, famous architecture in hue ancient capital

Hue Citadel was built on an area of ​​more than 500 hectares in three citadels in the order of Imperial Citadel, Imperial Citadel and Forbidden City. King Gia Long built the citadel in 1805, and completed in 1832 under King Minh Mang. The Nguyen kings also built many citadels, palaces… The overall architecture is still quite intact with nearly 140 large and small works over 200 years.

hue tourism, the ancient capital of hue, famous architecture in hue ancient capital

The flag tower is located in front of Hue citadel, built-in 1807. The building is made of bricks, with three floors like three stacked dead-end towers. On the platform, there used to be two guard posts and four cannons to arrange four cannons. On the top of the flagpole is also an observation station called Vong Dau. In necessary cases, the guards will climb up Vong Dau to use the Thien Ly glass to observe activities off the coast.

hue tourism, the ancient capital of hue, famous architecture in hue ancient capital

Quoc Hoc stele is located on the south bank of the Perfume River, in front of Hue Quoc Hoc School. This work is the Monument of fallen soldiers, commemorating the French and Vietnamese soldiers who lost their lives in World War I. Because the memorial is located in front of Quoc Hoc school, people are used to calling it Quoc Hoc Beer or Binh Phong National School. learn.

The architecture of the work is in the form of a scroll-shaped screen nested in the middle of a three-door gate. The main block is placed on a wide platform surrounded by railings and four-way access. The highlight is two pillars about 10m high in front.

hue tourism, the ancient capital of hue, famous architecture in hue ancient capital

Phu Van Lau near the north bank of the Perfume River. The work is located on the main axis of the architectural complex of Hue’s ancient capital including Thai Hoa Palace – Ngo Mon – Ky Dai – Phu Van Lau – Nghinh Luong Dinh – Huong Giang – Ngu Binh. This is the place to list the documents of the Nguyen court that need to be reported to the people such as the king’s decree, the results of the Association contests, the Dinh contest; or organizing a ceremony in the presence of the king, courtiers and people. This work is printed on a 50,000 VND note.

hue tourism, the ancient capital of hue, famous architecture in hue ancient capital

Opposite Phu Van Lau is Nghinh Luong Dinh – a house on the north bank of the Perfume River. The work is curbed with bricks and stones, with 13 steps leading down to the river surface, to serve the Nguyen Dynasty kings to cool off and board a boat to cruise the Perfume River when it’s hot.

In terms of architecture, Nghinh Luong Dinh is built in the form of a four-wing compartment, both front and back have extended crab shell houses, and elaborately carved wooden details. The main roof is covered with yellow glazed tiles, and the two crab shell houses are covered with yellow glazed tiles.

hue tourism, the ancient capital of hue, famous architecture in hue ancient capital

Trang Tien Bridge is located in the heart of Hue city. Other names are Truong Tien Bridge, Thanh Thai Bridge, Clémenceau Bridge… The bridge connects the two banks of the Perfume River with the northern end in Phu Hoa ward, the southern end in Phu Hoi ward. This is the first bridge in Indochina built according to new techniques and materials imported from the West. Steel bridge with a total length of 402.6 m, including six steel beam, spans in the form of comb rings, each span has an aperture of 67 meters.

hue tourism, the ancient capital of hue, famous architecture in hue ancient capital

Besides the hundreds of years old architectural works, Hue city also built modern places, including ironwood pedestrian bridge on the banks of the Perfume River. Construction began in 2018 with the support of the Korean government, in the detailed planning project of the two banks of the Perfume River. The bridge connects Nguyen Dinh Chieu pedestrian street, the section from Truong Tien bridge to Ly Tu Trong Park, serving people and tourists to have fun and enjoy the scenery.

Đăng bởi: Dũng Nguyễn Đình

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