EN Foods

The way to make grilled beef with guise leaves is delicious, no matter how picky you eat, it’s delicious

On a free weekend, you want to go to the kitchen and prepare delicious dishes for your family to enjoy? So try to make grilled beef with guise leaves, roll rice paper and dip it with seasoning sauce. This is a great suggestion to help housewives not have a headache choosing the menu and the way to make this dish is very simple, not very complicated.

grilled beef with guised leaves, how to make grilled beef with guise leaves, the way to make grilled beef with guise leaves is delicious, no matter how picky you eat, it’s delicious

Grilled beef with guise leaves smells delicious, picky eaters also praise delicious.

1. Ingredients

– Beef: 300gr

– Pork fat: 100g

– Betel leaf: 20-30 leaves

– Green bananas: 2

– Green star fruit: 1 fruit

– Rice paper: 1 bag

– Noodles: 300gr

– Roasted peanuts (shelled): 1 small bag

– Lemongrass, garlic, red onion, green onion, raw vegetables

– Spices: cooking oil, salt, seasoning, ground pepper, seasoning sauce…

2. How to do it

Step 1: Prepare ingredients

grilled beef with guised leaves, how to make grilled beef with guise leaves, the way to make grilled beef with guise leaves is delicious, no matter how picky you eat, it’s delicious

The fat of onions and roasted peanuts will help the dish become more fragrant and fat.

– Buy beef, wash and cut into small pieces. Then, grind beef with pork fat, garlic, lemongrass, minced shallot and season with 1 teaspoon of pepper, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, and 1 tablespoon of honey. Let the mixture soak in the spices for about 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

– Peel the green banana, remove the head and tail, and then soak in salt water to help prevent darkening. Use a knife to slice thinly into bite-sized pieces.

– Green star fruit wash, remove the notches and cut into thin slices.

– Betel leaves and accompanying vegetables are washed, put in a basket to drain.

Step 2: Roll the guise leaves

grilled beef with guised leaves, how to make grilled beef with guise leaves, the way to make grilled beef with guise leaves is delicious, no matter how picky you eat, it’s delicious

Roll the leaves into bite-sized pieces.

– Take each bay leaf, add the seasoned ground meat and then roll it up. A toothpick can be used to fix it to prevent the guise from coming off. Repeat until you run out of ingredients.

– Put the pan on the stove, add 3 tablespoons of cooking oil to heat. Then pour the boiling oil into the bowl of chopped scallions to make onion fat.

Step 3: Grilled beef roll with guise leaves

grilled beef with guised leaves, how to make grilled beef with guise leaves, the way to make grilled beef with guise leaves is delicious, no matter how picky you eat, it’s delicious

Grilled on a charcoal stove will have a characteristic aroma.

– Put the beef rolls on the griddle, you can use a charcoal stove or an electric stove. Spread oil evenly on both sides.

– After the roast beef is cooked, take it out on a plate, spread onion fat and sprinkle roasted peanuts on top.

Step 4: Enjoy the food

– Arrange raw vegetables and vermicelli on a plate. Pour the seasoning sauce into a small bowl, you can season to taste or add chopped pineapple for aroma.

– When eating, spread water on rice paper until soft, then add raw vegetables, bananas, star fruit, vermicelli and grilled beef with guise leaves, roll firmly and dip with rich seasoning sauce.

grilled beef with guised leaves, how to make grilled beef with guise leaves, the way to make grilled beef with guise leaves is delicious, no matter how picky you eat, it’s delicious

When eating grilled beef roll with guise leaves with rice paper, raw vegetables and seasoning with fish sauce.

So you have finished the super simple but extremely delicious grilled beef with guise leaves. At the weekend, let’s go to the kitchen to show off my skills in making this dish right away! Good luck!

Đăng bởi: Đức Nghĩa

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