EN Vietnam

Discover the unforgettable taste of Soc Trang noodle soup

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Soc Trang noodle soup is a favorite dish of many people because of the rich taste of fish sauce, the sweetness of snakehead fish, roasted meat and typical ingredients of both Kinh and Khmer people.

Vermicelli in Soc Trang broth – a dish with rich Khmer flavor

It is no coincidence that the noodle soup in general and the Soc Trang noodle soup in particular are always voted on the list of the most enjoyed Western specialties by the “devotees” of the cuisine . Initially, this was just a dish originating from the folk noodle dish of the Khmer people, so far this Soc Trang has become a favorite dish of many people, a specialty dish with a variety of processing methods. taste in many different localities.

Although widely known and popular, at first not many people knew that noodle soup was a dish originating from Khmer cuisine. Later in the culinary interaction, this unforgettable flavored vermicelli gradually becomes a Vietnamese specialty. 

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Soc Trang’s Noodle Soup is a delicious and nutritious dish because it is low in fat, rich in protein and high in fiber.

According to some people knowledgeable about cuisine, the delicious and authentic Soc Trang Noodle Soup is also cooked with coconut water, pork bones. The broth is not only clear, but also the color of the pale cockroach wing. But that is not enough to make a reputation for noodle soup. A delicious vermicelli bowl also requires the presence of an extremely important part of the vermicelli wormwood. This is a small bulb the size of a finger, but makes up the quality and specialness of the noodle dish that carries the essence of Western cuisine .

Soup noodle soup of the land of Doi pagoda, Dat Set Soc Trang pagoda is constantly attached to the taste of diners because of the sweet and salty taste of land love, human love, fresh snakehead fish, tubers. Dark yellow wormwood, … difficult to find elsewhere.

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A dish with a strong flavor of the Khmer in Soc Trang. But the most special thing is in the sauce that makes the broth and the harmonious combination of all ingredients such as adding roast pork, silk rolls and a few private sliced ​​sewer cakes to create an irresistible taste. This is the point that makes the difference of the unique Soc Trang noodle soup that although Can Tho noodle soup is famous for the mix between several different lines of vermicelli, Tra Vinh noodle soup is famous thanks to the word vegetables Crispy chives, banana corn, attractive Chau Doc noodle soup with roasted meat, crazy cotton cannot have.
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Soc Trang’s Noodle Soup is not only salty but also has a fishy taste, but also has a strong aroma of lemongrass and chili.

From the talented hands of the Khmer people, Soc Trang noodle soup has been sublimated into a famous dish of the Southwest region in particular and the country in general.

The ingredients that make the Soc Trang noodle soup are truly delicious

For gourmets, enjoying a bowl of delicious Soc Trang noodle soup means that in that vermicelli bowl, there must be enough salt and sweetness of human love. And to do that, the ingredients and the processing have to be combined in the most delicate way.

The specific ingredients that make an attractive vermicelli pot include fish sauce, fish sauce, snakehead fish, shrimp, roasted pork, vermicelli, lemongrass shrimp, fresh coconut, fresh noodles, water spinach, banana corn, herbs, water lilies, chives, spices: seasoning seeds, salt, sugar, lemon and chili.

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Fish sauce and fish sauce are the two main ingredients to cook Soc Trang noodle soup.

To make a delicious bowl of Soc Trang noodle soup , it is indispensable that the white ivory vermicelli strands are both soft and cool but still tough enough. And the most delicious is the kind of vermicelli of Soc Trang people made from sticky rice, specifically seasonal rice, which has been soaked overnight before being ground in a stone mill in the form of water powder to form clear, flexible, fragrant noodles. In addition, the handful of crispy crispy vegetables so that when eaten with the vermicelli will be mixed with each teaspoon of broth to make the sweet and savory taste are also extremely necessary.

Noodles has an unforgettable characteristic flavor thanks to the special beef sauce. This is a typical sauce of the Khmer made of snakehead fish, copper catfish, shrimp, and fresh shrimp. After catching or buying, people keep these types of seafood in salt for 6 months or more until they become fish sauce – a dish that any western tourist knows. To cook broth for the vermicelli dish, first people have to dissolve the fish sauce in boiling water and wait for the meat to dissolve, then filter the fish bone to get separate water.

The broth must be cooked for many hours with tubular bones, pork ribs with shrimp and allowed to simmer in water. During cooking, you must regularly skim the foam to make the broth clear and sweet. Some places boil the soup of white radish vermicelli and add fresh coconut water to add sweetness to the dish. In the next step, start cooking with fish sauce that has filtered the bones as above.

Another difference and characteristic of the Soc Trang noodle soup is that in addition to the flavors such as: lemongrass, chili … need a few vermicelli shrimp. Vermicelli vermicelli a special Khmer spice plant that helps to eliminate fishy smell of fish sauce and increase the aroma of the pot of broth.

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To cook a delicious soup noodle dish, wormwood is indispensable because this is the spice that removes fishy smell from the fish sauce and fragrant the broth.

However, in order to make the bowl of vermicelli round and taste better and eat better, there must be sweet white and brown slices of meat taken from snakehead fish. Snakehead fish is not only an indispensable food on Tet holiday, but it is also an ingredient to put in the famous noodle bowl.

In addition to fish, the roast pork or a few slices of sewer cake – a delicious Soc Trang specialty – leftover from the previous meal can also be added to the bowl of vermicelli to add fullness and fullness, to help fill with long. local people.

Besides the main ingredients that make the bowl of Soc Trang noodle soup to eat once, you can remember for a lifetime, it is impossible not to mention spices. For many people, there is nothing more joyful than eating and inhaling mint because of the spicy, sour taste of chili, vinegar (or lemon). Especially when you eat noodle soup in the early morning, cool in the morning, in the evening, or on cold rainy days. At this time, the heat of the bowl of vermicelli makes the whole person more warm, a little bitterness of the vermicelli taste is extremely refreshing.

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A charming bowl of Soc Trang noodle soup with boiled snakehead fish has removed all white bones, fresh squid, leaded, fresh shelled shrimp, roasted pork cut into pieces. While waiting for the shopkeeper to blanch the vermicelli through the broth and put it in the bowl, put fish, shrimp, roast meat together with a little chives, bean sprouts and pour the soup on the noodles, you can also admire and enjoy Vivid culinary painting with all the flavors of the dish. What is more interesting when you visit the fascinating Soc Trang tourist attractions, you are treated to a delicious and beautiful noodle dish with the aroma of lemongrass and vermicelli, with enough salty taste of fish sauce and a little The crispy sweetness of the roasted pork, the chewy shrimp, the pungent smell of the herbs, the pungent chili slices.
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A full bowl of vermicelli with broth is filled with the scent of lemongrass and the golden color of the broth mingled with the rich sweetness and clarity of the well-stewed broth.

Delicious food must try when traveling to Soc Trang

It can be said that noodle soup is a must try dish of anyone when traveling to Soc Trang . Whether you are fascinated by the best Southern cakes or the attractive western fish sauce , you can hardly resist the appeal of the Soc Trang noodle soup .

And to entertain and serve the best culinary preferences of tourists, only Soc Trang town has about 20 large and small restaurants selling noodle soup. Although each restaurant has its own tasting way, you can rest assured that you can still enjoy this special dish with the fullest taste because the ingredients in each bowl of vermicelli are still: broth with a rich fish sauce flavor, Noodles and sliced ​​snakehead fish and vegetables include banana, water spinach, pureed cabbage, chives, bean sprouts. In addition, there will be a shop to add a piece of roast meat, a pair of prawns or a few pieces of chopped sewer cake. All also just to add flavor, or to please patrons’ eating preferences.

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In addition to noodle soup, banh xeo is also a Soc Trang specialty that you should not miss when visiting this place. For many people in Soc Trang, noodle soup is a dish to enjoy, not to eat, so each bowl of vermicelli is not so much that you cannot eat another dish. So rest assured to enjoy a delicious bowl of noodle soup because you can also try many other delicious dishes. In addition to the normal bowl of vermicelli, many shops also sell additional dishes including snakehead fish, a pair of fish eggs to enjoy with or even in the rare season of fish eggs, many shops also replace with snakehead fish.
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The ingredients used to cook noodle soup are all typical dishes that show the culinary culture of all 3 ethnic groups: Kinh, Hoa, Khmer. One point to note when eating noodle soup in Soc Trang is about the time to serve the noodles here. If the vermicelli shops near Dat Set pagoda (ward 5) only sell mainly in the morning, Cay Nhan shop is only open from 3 pm to late at night. The shops located at the beginning of Phan Boi Chau street (Ward 6) are sold all day to visitors. Uncle Ba Chi’s vermicelli shop is located at the intersection of My Xuyen Old Market, serving guests from 6am to 8pm.
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Thao noodle shop is quite famous in Phu Loi – Soc Trang.

Top 5 delicious and quality noodle shops in Soc Trang

Noodle Soup Thao – Phu Loi

Address: 52 Phu Loi, Ward 2, Soc Trang City.

Phone: 0837.365.030 – 02993.88.66.77

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bún-Nước-Lèo-THẢO-1526493990895890/

Opening hours: 10:00 – 22:00.

Reference price: 25,000 – 35,000 VND.

Fish Dong Noodles Noodles

Address: 655 National Highway 1A, Group 3, Ward 2, Soc Trang City.

Opening hours: 06:00 – 20:00.

Reference price: 20,000 – 35,000 VND.

Noodle Soup with Huong Que 657

Address: 657 Highway 1A, Soc Trang city.

Opening hours: 06:00 – 22:00

Reference price: 20,000 – 30,000 VND.

Noodle Soup Thi Leo

Address: F210 / 4 Doan The Trung, Hamlet 4, TT. Long Phu, Long Phu district, Soc Trang province.

Opening hours: 06:00 – 13:00

Reference price: 20,000 – 40,000 VND.

Mrs. Xím – Bun Nuoc Leo

Address: 45 Phu Loi, Ward 2, Soc Trang City.

Opening hours: 07:00 – 22:00

Reference price: 20,000 – 30,000 VND.

Soc Trang noodle soup – popular but quality dish

Not only has the unique taste, but the noodle soup is also attractive to everyone because the price is very affordable. At first, a genuine bowl of Soc Trang noodle soup in the land of its birth only cost a few thousand dong. Currently, the selling price of a bowl of vermicelli is not expensive, but ranges from 20,000 to 40,000 VND.

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Each locality has its own way of processing and enjoying the noodle soup.

The noodle shops are often crowded in the morning or evening because this is the time to eat the best noodle soup. For tourists from a new distance to Soc Trang, nothing is more interesting than visiting a certain restaurant in Soc Trang city, ordering a bowl of steamed noodles and slowly enjoying the rich, refined flavor.

The essence of sweetness from snakehead fish meat, roast meat, chewy vermicelli fibers, the crispiness of vegetables mixed in a bowl of broth and watching the busy cars along the road. It is also an interesting travel and culinary experience in Soc Trang that you must definitely try.

Đăng bởi: Thị Hương Nguyễn

YOLO! Khám phá các huyện ở Sóc Trăng

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