An Giang EN

Hang Pagoda – An Giang’s “fairy scene”

In recent years, Hang Pagoda has emerged as a tourist attraction not to be missed when tourists come to An Giang. Not only is it a sacred temple, but the space of the temple is also great for those who want to visit and take pictures.

an giang tourism, cave temple, vietnam tourism, western travel, hang pagoda – an giang’s “fairy scene”

The charming scenery of Hang Pagoda – Photo: candykun107

Hang Pagoda – spiritual tourist destination of An Giang people

Hang Pagoda is also known as Phuoc Dien Tu. Even the name shows the people’s desire for peace. “Phuoc” means good and peaceful things and “Dien” means land. Here the name “Phuoc Dien” can be understood as the land of sowing good things. However, people are used to calling it Hang Pagoda because in this temple there are many beautiful and mysterious caves deep in the mountain. With a history of more than one hundred years and cultural significance, Hang Pagoda has been recognized as a National Historic-Cultural Relic.

an giang tourism, cave temple, vietnam tourism, western travel, hang pagoda – an giang’s “fairy scene”

Photo: candykun107

The predecessor of Hang Pagoda was just a small cliff house, the place of practice for Mrs. Tho (real name Le Thi Tho, legal name Dieu Thien). Legend has it that she worked as a seamstress, also had a family, but because her husband was too strict, she went to a pure place to practice in order to cut off her karma. She practiced at the same time, took medicine to save people, and did many good deeds.

an giang tourism, cave temple, vietnam tourism, western travel, hang pagoda – an giang’s “fairy scene”

Photo: candykun107

In 1885, thanks to the virtue of nun Dieu Thien, he said Thong (Nguyen Ngoc Cang) in Chau Doc and the people in the area raised their own money and rebuilt the pagoda: the floor was tiled with bricks, and the poles were made of mahogany. cars, wooden rafters, roof tiles … In 1937, the Most Venerable Thich Hue Thien (1904 – 1990) upgraded the pagoda for the second time. Today, in the third abbot life – Most Venerable Thich Thien Chon, the pagoda is in the process of being completed…

an giang tourism, cave temple, vietnam tourism, western travel, hang pagoda – an giang’s “fairy scene”

Photo: shelter_ahomeawayfromhome

Going to Hang Pagoda, if you meet the right person who knows the story, you may be told the story of a pair of unusually large and very aggressive snakes. However, when the nun Dieu Thien came to the scriptures, the pair of snakes listened to each day, gradually being touched. They even became vegetarian and guarded against wild animals for her to concentrate on her practice.

The land of the Seven Mountains of An Giang inherently has many stories about large, aggressive animals that are touched by the kindness of people. These things show us the desire to conquer and integrate with nature of An Giang people.

an giang tourism, cave temple, vietnam tourism, western travel, hang pagoda – an giang’s “fairy scene”

Photo: my.syeslr

The charming landscape is like a fairyland at Hang Pagoda

Coming to Hang Pagoda, you will not be able to stop admiring the artistic hands and minds of people. Leaning against Sam mountain, Hang Pagoda is like a giant relief that gives visitors a very special feeling.

an giang tourism, cave temple, vietnam tourism, western travel, hang pagoda – an giang’s “fairy scene”

Photo: langthang.angiang

The higher you go, the more open the space is and the view is zoomed out. You will feel like you have been stripped of the dust of the earth, separated from the noisy life out there, quietly enjoying the breath of heaven and earth.

an giang tourism, cave temple, vietnam tourism, western travel, hang pagoda – an giang’s “fairy scene”

Photo: langthang.angiang

The most unique feature that gives Hang Pagoda its dignified antiquity is the nostalgic architecture that is both poetic, contemplative and delicate. The forest and flowers around the temple are green all year round. In the season, each cluster of flowers blooms jubilantly in the morning sun. The outside space has brought visitors a lot of interesting experiences, the inside space is even more unique. It can be said to give you the feeling of exploring the spiritual land.

an giang tourism, cave temple, vietnam tourism, western travel, hang pagoda – an giang’s “fairy scene”

Photo: langthang.angiang

Cave Pagoda eats into the mountain, worships bodhisattvas. When you enter the cave, step where the light comes on, there is an automatic flow of water. Feelings of thrill and excitement make you more excited. Following the pavilions, to the three-sided shrine of the Three Jewels, there are glass for visitors to feel the tranquility. If you come to An Giang, you absolutely should not miss the charming place and charming scenery at Hang Pagoda.

Đăng bởi: Diệp Diệp

YOLO! Khám phá các huyện ở An Giang

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