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Top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng

Delicious dishes from frogs? What are frogs processed into? Will be one of the most searched keywords, there are many you will not be able to eat frog for fear of its appearance.


Delicious dishes from stir-fried frog with bamboo shoots

Stir-fried frog with bamboo shoots mdelicious food from frogs The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to frog meat. This dish is commonly used in family meals.

Materials to prepare:

  • Frog leg meat prepared
  • 200g bamboo shoots
  • Turmeric powder or fresh turmeric
  • 1 bulb of garlic
  • Scallion
  • 2 fresh chili
  • 1 bunch of Chinese scent (coriander)
  • Essential processing seasoning

How to cook fried frog with bamboo shoots:

Step 1: Prepare ingredients

Peeled garlic, minced. wash spring onion and slice to be small piece. If you use turmeric, you need to peel, wash and grind it. Wash cilantro, cut into small pieces.

Step 2: Marinate frog meat

Marinate the frog meat with ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder / crushed turmeric + ½ minced garlic + 1 teaspoon of fine salt. Squeeze gently for about 30 minutes for the frog meat to absorb the spices.

Step 3: Cook fried frog with bamboo shoots

Put a non-stick pan on the stove, bring the cooking oil to a boil, then add the marinated frog meat and stir-fry until the frog meat is cooked, continue to hunt, golden on all sides. After the frog is cooked, scoop it out on a plate and set it aside.

ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng

Delicious dishes from stir-fried frog with bamboo shoots

>>> See more : What to eat at the pedestrian street? Top 10 most favorite delicacies by the payers

Delicious dishes from frogs braised with lemongrass and chili

Frog with lemongrass and chili is one of NSdelicacies from frogsGood for pregnant women to improve health. The recipe for this dish is also relatively easy. To cook frog with lemongrass and chili, you need to prepare 500g of frog, lemongrass and spices. Frog bought, you need to wash and cut into pieces to eat. Marinate the frog with lemongrass, minced chili.

Use seasonings to enhance flavor including colored water, salt, fish sauce, sugar and a little bit of noodles. Mix well and marinate for 30 minutes.

Then, heat the pan and saute the onion and garlic. Put the frogs on the island and cook the frogs on high heat for 5 minutes until the frog meat is soft. Cover the pot and then continue to cook until the frog broth thickens, then turn off the heat.

ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng

Delicious dishes from frogs braised with lemongrass and chili

Fried Frog

USAdelicious food from frogs Fried Frog Sausage is a strange, unique and extremely attractive dish.

Ingredients for Dumplings

Fried frogs are not too troublesome: 200g frog thighs, 100g ground pork, 40g dried pork intestines, 10g coriander, 10g dill, 10g skull pepper, soy sauce, cooking oil, seasonings included
(salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate…)

Implementation tips:

+ First wash Frog thighs with a little crushed ginger to reduce the fishy smell, collect meat and mince it finely.

+ Dried pork intestines soaked in water for about five minutes to soften, drain. Coriander, dill are washed, finely chopped, crushed skullcap.

+ Mix everything with frog thighs, minced meat, season with soy sauce, seasoning, sugar, monosodium glutamate and let it soak for about 15 minutes.

+ Next put this mixture into the pig’s intestine, stuff it tightly, tie the two ends, and steam it. After that, put the frog sausage in the frying pan of oil until golden brown, take it out, cut into slices to taste. Fried frog can be dipped with salt and pepper lemon
or soy sauce.

ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng
ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng

Fried Frog

Fried frog


  • 500g frog thigh meat
  • Garlic, lemongrass, fresh chili, ginger
  • Water color
  • Spices: fish sauce, salt, seasoning seeds…

The secret to making fried frog with lemongrass and chili

Step 1: Prepare ingredients

Frog meat has been prepared and washed.

Garlic, lemongrass, chili, ginger thoroughly washed, peeled and minced.

Step 2: Stir-fry the frogs

Put a non-stick pan on the stove, add cooking oil to heat, add minced garlic, lemongrass, chili, ginger and stir-fry until fragrant. When the smell is up, put the frog meat on the island, stir quickly, so that the frog meat is hunted again, not burning the pan.

When the meat is cooked, add seasoning seeds + fish sauce + 1 spoon of colored water to make the dish richer and more attractive.

ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng
ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng

Fried frog

Fried Frog with Sesame

Fried frog with sesame with crispy crust, the combination of sweet frog meat with fragrant sesame is a delicious dish. mdelicious food from frogs very attractive, very popular.

Ingredients for Fried Frog with Sesame include: 4-5 large frogs, white sesame, 2 chicken eggs, 100g of flour, 50g of tapioca flour with commonly used spices (salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate …)

How to make the dish:

+ First wash the Frog with white wine and ginger to remove the fishy smell, then rinse with water, drain, cut off the thighs and
separate body.

+ Marinate the frog with 3 teaspoons of seasoning, 1 teaspoon of pepper, let it soak for 15 minutes. Beat the eggs, add 2 teaspoons of tapioca starch and beat together.

+ Mix flour, tapioca and sesame depending on your preference. Then dip the marinated Frog in the egg and roll in the flour and sesame mixture to evenly coat the meat

The next step is to fry in oil until crispy. Finally, garnish and enjoy with chili sauce.

ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng
ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng

Fried Frog with Sesame

Green bean frog porridge

This is nutritious food from frogs for babies to eatMom absolutely should not be ignored. First, you need to prepare the indispensable ingredients. Green beans and special Selection of quality rice, delicious grain to ensure the taste. Then, measure each thing about ¼ can, wash it clean. Boiled green beans, drained. Rice is cooked with about 400ml of water.

Frogs you should choose the big ones, snakehead collect meat, minced. Fry the cooking oil with red onion, then stir-fry the frog until fragrant. You should season the frog with a few drops of fish sauce and ¼ teaspoon of seasoning powder to bring out the delicious taste. After that, stir the porridge and pour in the stir-fried frog. Season the porridge again to taste, stir for a few more minutes and then turn off the heat. This porridge is more suitable to eat hot.

ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng
ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng

Green bean frog porridge

>>> See more : Breakfast in Saigon? Top 10 delicious dishes you should try

Frog stewed in clay pot

The clay pot frog is a mdelicious food from frogs nutritious, stylized processing of the countryside, very popular.

The ingredients for this dish are quite simple: 3 fresh frogs, 1 garlic, 3 slices of ginger, 100g broccoli, carrots, 4 shiitake mushrooms, green onions, soy sauce, ground pepper, cornstarch, cooking oil, chili, accompanying spices (salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate…).


+ Clean the frog, cut into bite-sized pieces; garlic bulbs peeled, smashed; ginger, broccoli, carrot cut into bite-sized pieces; Shiitake mushrooms soaked in water until soft, washed; sliced ​​scallions.

+ Then marinate frog meat with seasoning seeds, fish sauce, soy sauce, ground pepper, leave for about 10 minutes to absorb the seasoning;

+ Put the frog in the clay pot, then add ginger, garlic and water, stew until just cooked, then add broccoli, carrots, shiitake mushrooms to cook, mix cornstarch with cold water to create a thick consistency. , sprinkle a little more ground pepper in, enjoy with soy sauce and chili.

ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng
ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng

Frog stewed in clay pot

Fried frog with onion and garlic

Delicious dishes from frogs To make this dish, you need about 8 frogs, onions, mushrooms, minced garlic. Seasoning with cashew oil color. This is a meal for 4 people, suitable for dinner. The steps are as follows: clean the frogs and marinate them with salt and sugar. Onions are cut into areca, mushrooms are soaked to bloom and cut into pieces, minced garlic to serve on a plate.

First turn on the stove and fry the cashews, then add the frogs, mushrooms, onions, minced garlic and stir-fry, cover for about 2 minutes. Season to taste, then turn off the stove. This is a simple frog dish that every woman can make for a delicious dinner.

ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng
ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng

Fried frog with onion and garlic

Frog with Ginger

Frog with ginger is a blend of strong, sweet, rich frog meat with the aromatic and spicy taste of ginger to create a very delicious dish.

The ingredients for the Ginger Frog are not fussy at all: 4 big frogs, 1 ginger branch, spices along with (salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate …)

Processing secret:

+ Frog washed, cut into bite-sized pieces. Marinate frogs with seasoning, let sit for about 15 minutes.

+ Peel and slice ginger.

+ Heat up the oil pan, fry the garlic and then add the frogs to stir-fry.

+ Add seasoning to taste, add sliced ​​ginger to the island quickly to complete this dish.

ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng
ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng

Frog with Ginger

Frog with sin

Braised frog is mon delicious from frogs rich in the rustic flavor of the countryside, maybe this is a delicious dish from frogs that many housewives love and cook for their family to enjoy. First of all, you need 500 grams of frog, dried chili, garlic, chili sauce, scallions and seasoning. Frog clean, cut into bite-sized pieces and marinate with sugar, chili sauce and fish sauce for about 15 to 20 minutes for the frog to infuse the spices. Soak dried chili to bloom, scallions clean and cut off the head.

Proceed to heat the pan, add garlic to the pan, then add the marinated frog to the island, sprinkle dried chili on top and stir well. Then put the frog in a bowl, bring to a boil, let the fire simmer until the frog thickens, put green onions on the top with a little pepper, quickly turn off the stove and enjoy with hot rice, it will be extremely delicious.

ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng
ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng

Frog with sin

Stir-fried Frog Stomach with Chives

Delicious dishes from frogs With crispy, chewy Frog’s stomach stir-fried with fresh chives, it is an extremely attractive dish for those who are passionate about food, especially the dishes made from Frog meat.

Ingredients for this dish include: Frog’s stomach, fresh chives, cooking oil, pepper, spices (sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, seasoning…)


+ Frog is washed, put the frog’s stomach in a bowl of seasoning (sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper…) to taste. Pick the young chives (remove the old part), wash them, cut them to fit the chopsticks ready to go.

+ Continue processing, first fry the cooking oil with garlic until fragrant, then put the frog’s stomach in and stir-fry. Next, add the chives and stir-fry for about two minutes, until the chives are just cooked, reduce the heat, don’t let the chives become too soft.

+ Finally, seasoning for the last time, reminding and scooping up a plate sprinkled with a little more ground pepper, and mixed with a cup of fish sauce with lemon, garlic, and chili. It is the perfect dish of Frog and Chives Stomach.

ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng
ăn uống,   													top 11 món ngon từ ếch thơm ngon khó cưỡng

Stir-fried Frog Stomach with Chives

>>See more: Top 17 delicious dishes with delicious eggs that are easy to make

Through the above article of List.vn, I have told you about the Top 11 delicacies from frogs irresistible delicious. Hope the above information of the article will be useful for readers. Thank you for taking the time to read through this article.

Loc Dat – Synthesis & editing

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