Ẩm Thực Khám Phá Món Ngon

Top 17 món ngon với trứng thơm ngon dễ làm

Top 17 delicious dishes with eggs For foodies who are tired of ordinary boiled eggs and omelets, so through the article below, let’s find out more delicious dishes with eggs for you.


Egg roll with crab stick

ăn uống,   													top 17 món ngon với trứng thơm ngon dễ làm

Egg roll with crab stick

With the familiar egg roll dish, it must be too familiar, but when adding crab sticks, it not only makes the egg dish beautiful but also makes the egg dish much better.
Stupidpeace of mind:

  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 4 crab sticks
  • Spices, cooking oil, pepper


  • Step 1: Steam the crab stick for about 5 minutes.
  • Step 2: Beat the eggs with spices and pepper, then heat the oil, until the oil is hot, fry the eggs so that the eggs are evenly spread throughout the pan.
  • Step 3: For low heat so that the egg does not burn, when the egg surface starts to shrink, put the crab stick into the roll.
  • Step 4: Then slice thinly and you’re done.

Steamed eggs

With the egg dish that is popular with everyone, it is also very easy to cook. It is also a favorite dish of the children, so please refer to the method below to show off your talents.

  • 3-4 chicken eggs
  • 200 grams of raw pork
  • Few shiitake mushrooms, ear mold, carrots, green onions
  • Less spice, cashews


  • Step 1: Chopped scallions, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, minced wood ear, then mix well with pepper, spices, and raw ham.
  • Step 2: Separate the egg yolk and white, then add seasoning, pepper, beat and fry until cooked.
  • Step 3: Spread the yolk on the tray and then spread the layer of the pork mixture just mixed, then put the egg white on top and then add the layer of pork.
  • Step 4: Roll the mixture up, then wrap the paper on the outside and tie the string tightly.
  • Step 5: Steam for about 15-17 minutes, then peel off the parchment paper, slice thinly and you’re done

Stir-Fried Eggs with Bitter Melon

It is a nutritious dish suitable for all ages. The ripe yellow eggs surround the green bitter melon pieces, which are eye-catching, slightly bitter when chewed, but chewed carefully, with a sweet, sweet, fleshy taste.

  • 2 bitter melons
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • Onion flowers, wood ear
  • Cooking oil, seasoning.


  • Step 1: Wash bitter melon, cut off the two ends, cut along and then cut off the intestines, cut into long, thin bevels. Bitter gourd blanched with boiling water to remove the plastic, then pour into the basket, rinse with cold water.
  • Step 2: Wood ear we bring to bloom, wash, remove the legs and cut into pieces equivalent to a piece of sliced ​​melon. Wash and cut scallions about 2 cm long, set aside. Beat the eggs in a bowl.
  • Step 3: Heat the oil, then add the onions and saute, then pour in the blanched bitter melon and wood ear, stir-fry, stir the seasoning seeds.
  • Step 4: When the melon is just cooked, stir in the eggs. Once the eggs are cooked, add the onions, stir well, then scoop out onto a plate and you’re done.

Boiled egg purple

The interesting purple color will make them eye-catching but the way to do it is extremely simple.

  • 5 chicken eggs
  • 150 grams of red beetroot


  • Step 1: Beets are washed, peeled and chopped. Hard-boiled eggs and peeled.
  • Step 2: Boil beets with a little water until the water turns color, then add the eggs and cook on low heat for about 4-5 minutes, then turn off the heat.
  • Step 3: Soak the eggs for about 3-4 hours so that the eggs are submerged in water, then take them out.

Egg roll with vegetables

Along with vegetables, egg rolls with vegetables will make your dish not boring or boring.

  • 4 eggs
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 cucumber
  • 7 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 2 pieces of bacon
  • 1 little salad dressing
  • Spices, salt, pepper


  • Step 1: Cucumber, onion, carrot, tomato, minced bacon. Beat eggs with a little salt and pepper to taste.
  • Step 2: Heat the oil in the pan until hot, then add the eggs and fry until the egg surface is slightly ajar, then you put the mixture of carrots, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and meat on the eggs, then roll them up.
  • Step 3: Fry until the eggs are done.

Eggs with sour and spicy sauce

To make this dish you need to prepare quail eggs, because the eggs are quite small and the crust is thin, the spices when cooked with this dish will become more permeable and richer. After boiling the eggs, you peel and then fry the quail eggs so that the shell is golden, then put in tomato juice and boil on low heat until the sauce is more concentrated and flexible.

Quail eggs are served with tomato sauce, sour and spicy, very mouth-watering. This dish is simple, delicious, not fussy and especially inexpensive, isn’t it!


  • 30 Quail Eggs
  • 1 bowl of ketchup
  • 3 Tbsp Chili Sauce
  • 1 teaspoon Fish sauce
  • 3 Tbsp Roasted Sesame


  • Step 1: Hard-boiled quail eggs.
  • Step 2: Peel off the shell, pat dry.
  • Step 3: Fry the eggs until golden brown in a pan/deep pot.
  • Step 4: Yellow eggs, take out the eggs to drain the oil.
  • Step 5: Prepare the sauce: heat the pan, mix the tomato sauce, chili sauce, fish sauce.
  • Step 6: Drop the eggs into the sauce, roll quickly so that the eggs stick to the sauce.
  • Step 7: Sprinkle with roasted sesame, mix well, turn off the stove. Put eggs on a plate, this dish can be eaten as a snack, which is also very attractive. ^_^

Fried egg with clams

This clam fried egg dish will be extremely mouth-watering and suitable for winter occasions. There is nothing better than enjoying a bowl of hot rice with the family with the sweet and rich taste of clams and eggs. The flavors of clams and eggs go well together and create a very harmonious dish.

Moreover, the water of clam cooked with sour soup is very delicious. With just such simple ingredients, you have created attractive and nutritious dishes for the whole family.


  • 2 kg of clams
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • Dried onion, pepper, fish sauce, soup powder, cooking oil
  • Scallion.

Tomato scrambled eggs

This dish is suitable for serving with rice and hot bread. The ingredients to make it are extremely simple, just tomatoes and eggs are already a delicious dish. Eggs when stir-fried with tomatoes and onions will have a more delicious, softer flavor, but the color will look very eye-catching.

This dish is both nutritious and suitable to be eaten with other dishes such as soup, stock and still not boring the mouth. This simple dish will be suitable for girls who are practicing in the kitchen because of its simplicity and speed.


  • 1 large tomato
  • 2 duck eggs
  • 100g minced meat
  • Onions, dried onions.

Egg rolls

This egg roll dish will be very attractive and loved by everyone in the family if you make it successfully. Instead of the common fried egg dishes, this dish is made by steaming the water.

The eggs will be beaten with mushrooms, fried minced pork rolled over with pieces and seasoned just right. Put the beaten mixture into the water bath and wait for 20-25 minutes, you have finished steamed egg rolls that are both delicious and strange for your family.


  • Lean pork shoulder: 300 grams
  • Wood ear: 3 pieces
  • Vermicelli: 10 grams
  • Onion: half a bulb
  • Duck eggs: 5-6 eggs
  • Seasoning: pepper, fish sauce, seasoning, monosodium glutamate, cooking oil

Meat molded eggs

Delicious dishes with eggsAnother egg-based dish is quite easy to make, but the taste is very appetizing and delicious, and it is suitable for many tastes. With just a little variation, you have created a more delicious and eye-catching egg dish. Steamed eggs are soft and fragrant, not too dry, not boring, and easy to eat with rice, so children are very fond of them for their uniqueness and taste. deliciousness of this dish.

ăn uống,   													top 17 món ngon với trứng thơm ngon dễ làm

Meat molded eggs

So from time to time you need to change the taste in your family with this delicious egg dish. The steps to make it are quite simple and you can learn more on the website.


  • Chicken eggs or duck eggs: 4-5 depending on the size of the eggs
  • 250g minced meat
  • Dried onions, fish sauce, salt, cooking oil.

Fried egg with melon

The plate of fried egg with melon with two typical green and yellow colors of eggs and melon is beautiful, creating colors for family meals to be more delicious. Not only beautiful, but fried egg with melon brings a new taste and ensures and balances nutrition for the whole family. This dish has extremely simple ingredients and easy to find sweet melons and eggs, and in terms of quantity to cook, it depends on the number of people in your family to choose a reasonable purchase.

Just stir-fry eggs with onions and spices, then remove to a bowl, continue to stir-fry sweet melon until almost cooked and pour in eggs, you have created an attractive dish. Simple and healthy, right?


  • 3 melons
  • 2 duck eggs
  • A little green onion, garlic
  • Seasoning: seasoning seeds, cooking oil, oyster sauce, sugar, salt.

Dessert cake from egg white

This delicious dish will make your family love eggs more. Just need egg whites, fresh milk and sugar, you have created a delicious and attractive custard dish: simmer milk with sugar to heat it, then let it cool, then separate the whites from the yolks, whipped up.

Next, put the egg whites through the filter tray into the bowl of cooled milk and mix well. Put the filter mixture again to remove any residue and put it in the steamer for about 15 minutes, you have finished a beautiful and delicious egg product.


  • 300g fresh milk without sugar
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 30g sugar

Salted Eggs

An ingredient that can be suitable to eat ice cream and spice up other dishes such as cakes, noodles, etc. This dish is quite simple to make when you make it with a ratio of ingredients. Reasonable seasoning: 10 bonus eggs will be equivalent to 1 liter of water, 150g of salt and a little wine.

Eggs need to be washed, dried, and then put in the boiled salt mixture so that the eggs are covered and a little white wine is added in the last step. After a month or a month and a half, you can take it out to enjoy or eat with other dishes to enhance the taste.


  • 19 duck eggs
  • Salt
  • A bowl of rice and white wine
  • One plastic bag with a buckle at the mouth of the bag, 2 normal plastic bags.

Worm-fried eggs with wormwood leaves

Wormwood eggs are not only a rustic and easy-to-make dish, but also have the effect of nourishing the body and preventing and curing diseases such as headaches, insomnia, body weakness… You should choose young wormwood, Chop and mix with eggs and fry until cooked. This dish is more delicious when you have a plate of soup powder mixed with fresh lemon, dipped in it will have a strange taste and taste better when it is still hot.


  • 2 eggs
  • Holding young wormwood leaves
  • 1 dried onion
  • Just enough seasoning


  • Step 1: Wash wormwood and cut into pieces about 1 knuckle long.
  • Step 2: Add eggs with fish sauce and pepper. Beat evenly.
  • Step 3: Put the oil in the pan. When the oil is hot, add the onions and fry until golden brown, then add the wormwood eggs. Spread evenly on the pan. I use a pan with a diameter of about 30cm so that the eggs are not too thick.
  • Step 4: Place on medium heat. When you see the yellow underside, turn it over. Use a large spatula to quickly turn the pan upside down without hesitation, or flip the pan over so that the side flips over on its own. Once the eggs are golden brown on both sides, put them on a plate.

Tomato egg soup

Tomato egg soup is the first choice for dinner for girls who don’t have much time. To make this dish, you need to stir-fry the tomatoes, until pureed, add enough water and wait for the water to boil. Stitching the eggs in is very important, you stir well to dissolve and cook the eggs in the water, then season to taste. So you have a delicious egg soup with rice.


  • Chicken eggs: 2-3 (don’t use duck eggs because the soup will be fishy)
  • Tomatoes: 1-2 fruit
  • Salt, spices, cooking oil
  • Dried onions: 2 bulbs
  • Accompanying spices: Onion, coriander

Korean Floating Eggs

Korean floating egg dish once again stirred up netizens after the fever of garlic butter bread, Dalgona coffee. With the softness and floating of eggs – a familiar dish that immediately attracts housewives’ hearts. But it looks difficult, but this dish is extremely simple, you only need to invest about 15 minutes to finish.


  • Eggs: 2
  • Salt: 1/2 teaspoon
  • Sugar: 2 tablespoons

Bird’s nest egg cake

ăn uống,   													top 17 món ngon với trứng thơm ngon dễ làm

Bird’s nest egg cake

Delicious dishes with eggs In just a split second, you can finish making a unique and attractive egg tart with very simple ingredients. Make breakfast more delicious.


  • Potato: 3 (Small)
  • Chicken eggs: 2 eggs
  • Salt and pepper: 1/4 teaspoon
  • Coriander: 2 branches
  • Cooking oil: 2 tablespoons

Through this article, I have told you about the Top 17 delicious dishes with eggs delicious and easy to make. Hope the information on the article will give you some of the most useful information.

Written by: Loc Dat – Synthesized and edited

References ( camnangtienganh, monngondongian, …)

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